Right or wrong? Answers about hypnosis.

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Hypnosis serves as an interpreter between our conscious mind and our subconscious. The logic of these two instances operates very differently, and through hypnosis, we can consciously communicate our goals to our subconscious. This helps prevent unconscious self-sabotage by breaking free from old beliefs or behavioral patterns.

No, quite the opposite. Hypnosis helps to gain more control over one’s own thoughts, actions, and feelings. Even during the hypnosis session, you retain control over what is happening. You remain responsive and hear what is said. In fact, the hypnotic state is not permanent; during hypnosis, the client may be deeper or less deep in trance and has the option to decide to interrupt the process.

At the beginning of a session, we define the current concern. Following that, we together identify your goal and how you want to feel in the future. Utilizing your past experiences, we seek the solution within you. The hypnotherapist guides you with the right questions on a journey through your subconscious, instructing you to anchor desired feelings so that they can be accessible to you in challenging situations. This includes a concluding self-hypnosis instruction, reinforcing the experiences so that the effects of hypnosis can continue to resonate long after the session, making the results even more stable.

The approach with children differs in that children inherently exist in a state more similar to hypnosis than adults. Relaxation is not necessary for children; the concern is often addressed with open eyes, and sitting still is not required. It’s important to establish a goal that is both desired and believable for the child. The solution is sought within the child, as with adults, but this time not through past experiences but through characters or role models (not living persons) that help the child find a solution. The child often draws the solution to solidify the resolving concept. The presence of parents is a prerequisite, as is their subsequent involvement by providing supportive assistance to the child.

No, you also have the opportunity during hypnosis not to answer questions or explore certain areas. In principle, no work on the past is done without explicit desire or consent. However, a therapeutic process involves addressing an unwanted condition, requiring a certain level of intimacy and the willingness to discuss the issue.

Not necessarily. It is entirely possible to achieve improvements without delving into the past. Whether you feel the need to resolve something from the past or prefer to focus entirely on the future plays a significant role. You can trust your intuition in this regard.

Hypnosis can involve dealing with past experiences or trauma, and forgiveness work and inner child work also address the past. Similarly, hypnosis can be equally effective by concentrating on empowerment and creating desired behaviors.

Usually, you will be able to remember everything after the entire treatment. As with anything else, it’s possible that certain things may not be retained. However, this has nothing to do with the trance state. On the contrary, we work with anchors to consciously recall desired thoughts and feelings so that they are not forgotten.

After hypnosis, an increase in well-being, feelings of happiness, lightness, inner strength, and security has been observed. A change in the external environment, as a result of altered internal perception, is not only possible but even likely. It is not ruled out that some parts of the surroundings may perceive altered reactions as unpleasant, and as a result, some individuals may even be repelled. However, the dosage is generally chosen to align with the client’s tolerance and desired level of change.

Some people watch a stage hypnosis show on television and think: that would never happen to me!! This is entirely possible. Not everyone is as highly suggestible as portrayed on stage. However, this is neither the goal nor necessary in hypnotherapy. What matters for hypnotherapy is that you are willing to engage in the process and feel comfortable with your therapist. The therapist ensures that you relax. After that, all that is needed is simply the ability to surrender to one’s imagination.

Yes, absolutely. Hypnosis is so diverse that it’s simply not possible to list everything. Each client is unique, and even if it’s a ‘common issue’ (if there is such a thing), the path for each person is unique. Write to us or give us a call; we’re happy to address each concern individually.

If you are undergoing therapeutic treatment, it is essential for us to know that your doctor or therapist is aware of and agrees to your concurrent participation in hypnotherapy. This is not only courteous to your therapist but also important because we are not medical doctors or psychotherapists. Hypnotherapy does not replace conventional treatment but serves as a complementary approach. For this to work as effectively as possible, coordination or at least mutual knowledge is advisable.

Hypnotherapy is always beneficial when things are not going as smoothly as you would like or when you see untapped potential. It can be used to enhance well-being, resolve phobias, aid in trauma recovery, or help with issues like bedwetting. In hypnotherapy, pain can be alleviated, stress reduced, sleep disturbances addressed, inner conflicts resolved, wounds healed, and fears alleviated. Hypnotherapy can create calmness, provide strength, find motivation, increase freedom, build spaces, establish connections, offer forgiveness, experience peace, enhance performance, feel gratitude, and much more.

Yes, online sessions are possible. However, online, we focus on sessions that deal with the present and the future. We prefer to address the past in a protected setting on-site. The price of an online session is the same as an in-person session.

Yes, that is possible. However, physical ailments need to be medically assessed; we are not doctors and cannot assess or exclude physical dangers and risks. If there are no medical contraindications or treatment has been received, it is indeed possible to use hypnosis to alleviate pain, address allergies, rashes, etc. We make no promises of healing. However, it is now proven that the mind can have a significant influence on the body.

First and foremost, attention should be given to a solid education from a recognized institute. Membership in associations also provides assurance, as therapists commit to adhering to a code of ethics with their membership, and only recognized training by world associations is accepted.

For the success of hypnotherapy, it is also important that you feel comfortable with your hypnotherapist and like their voice. Our voice will accompany you on your journey into your subconscious, so it’s helpful that it gives you a good feeling. The gender of the therapist can also play a role. Would you prefer to be accompanied by a man or a woman? To answer all these questions before a session, we are always available by phone, free of charge, or happy to return calls.

For this, the word ‘manipulate’ needs to be defined first. Essentially, ‘manipulate’ means to consciously influence something or someone. According to interpretation, hypnosis aims to manipulate someone. However, the word is often negatively connotated, understood as influencing someone against their will. For us as hypnotherapists, it is paramount to always act according to the client’s wishes or will and for their highest good.

Of course, unwanted things can be suggested to me. However, this typically happens in everyday life when I am inattentive. In a hypnosis session, a goal has been agreed upon beforehand. The hypnotherapist has the responsibility to always act for the benefit and according to the client’s wishes. If the client’s request is ethically unacceptable for the hypnotherapist, they should reject the client.

No, that is not possible. According to myths, there have been cases where the client never woke up again. What can happen is that the client may not want to get up because the state is so pleasant that they don’t feel like leaving it yet. However, the hypnotic state is not something that is really induced from the outside. The hypnotherapist facilitates the entry and exit of the state of relaxation through targeted suggestions (from ‘You’re getting tired and tired, sinking deeper and deeper…’ to ‘You are now getting more awake, feeling fresh and rested…’), but it doesn’t take a hypnotist to leave the state.

That is highly individual. There are cases where even one session hits the right point and leads to the desired success. In other cases, it may be necessary to address other issues before tackling the main goal. In almost all cases, however, there is an improvement in the emotional state after the first session.

A first session usually lasts 1.5 to 2 hours. Follow-up sessions for the same issue typically last about an hour. Sessions for new issues take approximately an hour and a half. However, this can also be very individual.

Usually, health insurance does not cover the costs. In individual cases, however, a request can be submitted to the health insurance, especially in connection with another treatment.

No, hypnotherapy does not replace existing therapy or treatment. However, we can make a valuable contribution as a complement to existing therapies.

If you are already undergoing treatment, we need the consent of the treating doctor or therapist to help you achieve the best possible overall result. If necessary, we are happy to consult with the relevant person.

Especially in the case of pain hypnosis, it is important that appropriate medical investigations have been conducted before treating pain through hypnosis.

At our place, the treatment costs CHF 185 per hour. The number of sessions needed to achieve your goal is highly individual. What type of person are you? Are you more independent and self-determined, or do you prefer respectful guidance and support on your journey? Do you like to do as much as possible yourself, or do you enjoy having something taken off your shoulders? Often, a single impulse is enough to set a process in motion. While some people enjoy the progress during a session and the guided process so much that they treat themselves to sessions at regular intervals, others appreciate the impulse that sends them strengthened toward their goal and use the self-hypnosis instruction to continue making progress.

We approach our clients without judgment.

We do not judge but respect the current state of our clients as a starting point for their goal. And although we would like to accept everyone who comes to us, we will only pursue a goal if, in our eyes, it contributes to the well-being of the client.

We always act for the highest good of our client.

Hypnotherapy may appear to many as a potential loss of control. In reality, however, hypnotherapy is one of the best means of self-empowerment. It is about getting to know oneself better and acting from one’s own strength. In this sense, the goal of hypnotherapy is also to lead the client towards self-empowerment to the extent that no unnecessary sessions are needed.

Discretion and confidentiality

Utmost discretion is a matter of course. We have not only accepted the ethical code of the oldest hypnosis association in the world (NGH), but it is also natural for us that all data is treated confidentially, and everything discussed in a session is subject to confidentiality.